In this post, I will talk about which windows events should be ingested to Splunk instance, also how can we filter those unimportant or unnecessary events to save up our license quota.

Event IDs we want:

Event ID Description
19-21 WMI activity detected, generated by Sysmon
576 User logon with special privilege (applies to older version of Windows)
577 User called privileged service (applies to older version of Windows)
578 Privileged object accessed
1102 Security log is cleared
4104 PowerShell script block logging events
4720 Account created
4624 Successful logon (events with logon type 3 on domain controllers can be filtered)
4625 Failed Logon
4648 Process attempts to logon an account by explicitly specifying account credentials
4634 Successful logoff (events with logon type 3 on domain controllers can be filtered)
4647 User initiate to logoff
4672 Admin privileges are assigned to a new logon session
4688 Process executed (high volume, but very useful for process monitoring)
4697 Service created
4698 Scheduled task created
4698 Scheduled task deleted
4700 Schedule task enabled
4701 Schedule task disabled
4702 Schedule task updated
4722 User account was enabled
4738 User account was changed
4740 User account was locked
4768 TGT request user validation
4769 TGS request authentication
4776 NTLM authentication attempted
4777 Domain controller failed to authenticate an account
4778 RDP/Terminal Service logon
4779 RDP/Terminal Service logoff
5140 Network share object accessed
5145 Network share object access permission check
